Tuesday, September 25, 2007
I have always been one to stand on my own ground and never afraid to speak my mind, inform people or make them aware of their prejudice of other people but never have i thought of my self as "strong" or "determainmed" or even "tough" I was doing what I thought i was supose to do and that i was supose to work 10x harder than most other students or be the outspeaken one the one who looks at the world very differently from most and i try vary hard not complain about it or even let it get to me i just asummed this was job what God had called to me do
I was in a proffesors office last week and one I highly trust ( which is rareity for me ) and this proffesor and I were talking I was telling what had been going on between me and the supposed father of mine and how it was effecting my faith and views on God and Life in gernal
and the proffesor was really helping me out when they threw a curve ball at me and said " your one of the strongest people I know"
what me
I have been in their office the week before sobbing ready to the throw the towel in on lots of things and
than they say this
its been a week and still cant believe it
after hearing this I had the joys of talking to one of my best friends and they said well not only are you " strong" but your "tough" and "determained" which blew my mind still has
but still struggling with my faith i wounder
how can i be all of these when im struggling against the devil, fam, and stuff
there is no way i can be "strong, determained, and tough"
so i sit here woundering
am i really could i be disbite everything
who knows
all i know im trying to figure out
what i believe and what God knows/thinks of me
so to my best friend and my proffesor
thank you for pointing things out im not sure i would have ever seen or known
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Today I had my Court date for my ticket for the accident I had on the 30th of July
I will let you I do not feel that I'm Guilty for it and I dont think I should have gotten one and Im uttlerly pissed off I was/ am used so a stupid Edmond Cop could meet his quata for that month.
any way so I make my way to down town edmond to the court house where the procosactor informs us that we have one of 2 choices
option 1.
plead Guilty pay fine and dont get a ticket for 90 days wont go on the recored
option 2
pled Not Guilty pay for the court fees give them about a month - 2 months get every one invovled in your case and than go to court
than a bunch of us left the room to decide what we were going to do
and they the two ladies working desk
were shocked to hear our choices and cought off guard
thats not normal
we can let pay here you
choose pled guilty or no constate
if you dont get a ticket for 90 days it wont go on your
so that is what i ultimealy decided
I feel very concrete in the fact that Edmond Screwed me over
twice in this case
once for getting the ticket
second for not getting a chance to hear my case
like it used to be
and it uttlerly pisses me off
and Im not the only one another woman had same kind situation as me
so to the Edmond Police dept
you all suck and your court systeam
is the screwest thing i have ever seen
thank you sooo much for screwing over Good, Honest People
and letting those who do much worse than us off easyer than ever
I have offically lost all my respect for our judistal system and the Edmond Police force.
Margaret Canaday
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