Tuesday, March 11, 2008

church really whats the point

a few of you know i have been stuggling trying to figure out what the point of "church" is im putting the word church in quotes cause its really serivce in my oppion cause we are the church or were suppose to be any way i have been struggling with why i should go to it because to me in my oppion and with my understanding its not what it should be and we as christians for the most part dont even do what were called to do in reading my bible i have read and understood that service also known as "church" is suppose to be a time of encourgement, worshiping God, learning about him, and fellowshipping with our brother and sisters in christ and encurage those who are not christians and or those are hurting be it a christian or not and were called not to judge others and or try to help a person meet their needs here is where my problem lies i understand that the people in the church are not perfect nor am i, im the furthest thing from it but in every church i have been in latley eaither coc or pres or other is were suposed to be unified and were letting the stupidist little differe from our other brothers and sisters in christ we werent suppose to be different forms of christianity and than i have found out some in the coc refuse to accept catholics as christians why is this i dont get it cathloics are just as good if not better christians than those in the coc or presbytrain church and in the pres church we decided that if you leave it for another apprantly you can condim everyone to hell and or be a heathen and in coc not only do we not conisder catholics christian but we also feel as though if you werent raised coc your heathen and not going to hell, my responce is where in the bible does it say that have to be of a form coc or any other form of christianity to get into heaven NO WHERE and i have visted churches a lot places my byasis, my dislike of it and my utter dislike of the poltics of any church to try to find one but i keep comming a cross the reasons why i left going to church in the first place every where i go people mad i left, insted asking why or even wanting to know people upset im visting their church and or icnoring the fact im there and on the rare occason people ask me about my faith get upset when i explaine i was raised presbytrain which im very proud about they get upset i wasnt raised in the "church" well i was and i dont get encourgement from the church and i know its not about me im trying to find a place where i can help them but i find more and more the things im best at i do better when im not in the church but when im with my friends i learn more about God and i get encoarugement and give it and help others and see Jesus more outside and the one thing that hruts most is we as christians are the MOST JUDGEMENTAL PEOPLE EVER its aboustly STUPID i do not understand this and what gives us the right to judge others i know i have had a lot different experences than most and if you want to know more of those ask me in person im still looking for a church im scared im doing it for the wrong reasons which would be " because im supose to because im a christian" i dont want that to be my reason i want it to be because i want to be there so my question to you my friends and those who a lot more biblical knowlegeable than my self is WHY DO YOU GO TO "CHURCH"/ SERVICE AND PLEASE DONT GIVE ME THE "CHURCH ANSWER" OF BECAUSE ITS SUNDAY AND IM CHRISTIAN IM SUPOSE TO but in the end i really dont understand this and yes angie im including our talk from last night