Thursday, October 30, 2008

bitter sweet moment

Today has been full emotions for many that I refuse to talk about  but for one  event of the day had me balling  like and smile all at the same time. 
One of My girls  she is  a doll and hoot i love her to death 
well today was Special Olympics Bowling Area Wide ( Whole another story in its self) 
But for this one girl  Her Dad took  off the day off work  just so he could drive down to Dallas  to watch His little Girl Bowl and  He Brought Her Lunch  and ate with her and drove her back to Shcool and took her home  and he and  I got some time to chat while he waited for her to do some stuff at school and  he asked  how close me and my Don are/were and I told  him we dont even speak for a viraty of reasons and he looked me and said why does Don your you not close I  told him, Don made that Choose along time ago and He told that is was the saddiest thing he had ever herd and could not imgaine not having his Little girl in his life he told me hed rather use up all his sick and vacation days to spend with her and all of his kids 
and when i told im okay with it and  he looked to his little girl called her "his angel" 
and her face to light up the whole made me  smile and hurt 

Friday, October 10, 2008

loving my kids

So its been awhile  since i last updated and im sorry for that 
Work is going really well its been reall tough  some of the kids have a hard time understanding im that im one of their teachers but major break through happend when out of blue today we brought out a wig ( blonde with a crown) and after wearing it  placed on me and "showed me off to our friends in the next class and our prinicable) and than gave me a hug which was huge  she hadnt done this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my heart broke to know that one of my boys  parents  pulled him out of school moved to another city because  they couldnt get away with doing things the way they had before and cheat the systeam and he cried as he left  and another exciting thing for me is that 2 of my student aides applied for college!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a big deal because they like me are dyslexic and  like me told they couldnt do this and i helped them do it and to know they did it makes me soooo happy and  another thing going on is im having a hard time  with educational systeam i want to rip it to pieces and start it again and its very hard b/c i cant for the life me understand why teachers, staff, adminstators  think they would have the right to tell students they cant do something ??????? anyone want to try to explaine this one to me please? 
i have not  found  a church home yet and im struggling with that on many levels  and if you know me you know why  and also  i have alot  of personal stress right now and i ask for prayers 
i hope all the best for you