Monday, May 04, 2009

ohhhh oc

1. What was OC called when you went there? OC 2. What was your mailbox number? i ended up w/3 of em i know one was 635  3. What was your favorite / least favorite class? thats hard cause i loved all the classes w/curt and john thompson and i loved ape w/ houston least deffently math  4. Who was your favorite professor? Curt, Dr. Thompson, Newell, Houston  5. Did you ever sneak out after curfew? dorms no apts many times :)  6. Did you fall in love at OC? nope  7. What was your favorite OC cafeteria meal? never had one  8. Were you in a social club? KAPPA. but really gamma and beta  9. Did you ever get in trouble for the clothes you wore? never 10. What was your major? Your almost major? How many times did you change? i was sped but then lovely mike oneil cut it so than i tired bible, ym, and education ended up liberal studies  11. Any OC Nicknames? lets see marge,margo,margie,margey i think thats it  12. Favorite chapel memory? well i have few but my favorite seemed to come when i sat eaither with KAPPA OR CSK  13. Did you play intramural sports? only in gamma but football, softball, basketball  14. Favorite late night memory? too many  15. Favorite spring sing memory? i loved being a tree for cards, a book for waldo, i loved helping kappa with their snaps  16. Best prank? freshmen year me a couple of friends filled condoms full of water/shaving cream wrote words/messages/ faces on em and threw in to certain guys dorm rooms  17. Do you keep in touch with anyone from OC? yes some of my best friends came out of oc 18. Did you ever have a run in with a skunk? nope but i saw a few and saw some guys get a run in with one and scream like girls  19. Funniest roomie story? jenn and i being locked out and jenn n. having to come save us and sercuirty didnt believe us  20. Were you in any plays/ musicals? no  21. What was your campus job? I never had one  22. Any OC confessions? i broke the apartment rules ALL THE TIME! i have to agree with jillian on this one  23. What does NCL mean to you? Non-Committal Lip!!! also it means bodacious LC 24. Which office did you spend the most time in? Probably IT getting my computer fixed or hanging out with my then boyfriend Adam 25. Fondest OC memories? the times with my guys, austin, jackson, jay, rhodes, rigsby, jarred, wade, joshua, kyler, brandon wheelock, adam, leah, liz, anna, mandy, jarhead, morgan, britnie, jennifer, etc. there are just TOO many to name them all!! chorale tours were ALL spectacular 26.What do YOU remember? i remember it all!! and i miss it like crazy.