Saturday, December 31, 2011

last post of the year

well its dec 31,2011 which means its the last sat of dec and of 2011
and i could write about what kind of year 2011 was
i could tell you about my little surgery
but insted i want to write this blog to and for some certain friends
who i would not have made it through with out their love and support
i would not be where i am with out them those these friends
who went to shows, movies, dinners, lunches watched shows with me
were there with me through for very difficult times and were there during some really great times and i love each of you for making this year soo much better
love each of yall
i hope 2012 makes all dreams come true and wishes even bigger

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Well im offically beyond stressed right now
trying to get the apt ready for me to leave and be ready for post surgery
and im vastly seeing i will not get everything done in time ahhhh
i made a list with the best friend and thought ok i can get this all done before i leave town tues night/wens morning and its not looking soo good and im stressed esspically since tues i have to go out to the hosptial twice to get everything done for prep for and im not gonna lie im nervous and trying not to think about it but i knwo it will be okay and im ready to get it over with ahhh plus im a little nervous about going home and christmas im just complty overwhelemed with life right now but im thankful for some friends who have been putting up with over the month and helping me with everyhting and im soo thankful for them im not saying who because they wont see this in my blog or deviant but im soo thankful for them.

Monday, December 12, 2011

another santa story for you

I have been reading about a woman in Michigan who went into 5 diffent k marts and paid off 3-5 peoples lay away stuff if they had toys on it
and in settale WA where at a coffeffe shop one customer paid for theirs and the person behind thems order and thats still going on 3 yrs later and growing up one of my favoite charites to help with and fun was the elf louise where the city of SA come togather and give, wrap, and deliver christmas to needy kids and families in the SA area
well tonight i think i saw the biggest set of charity of one family to many others my friend emily and i were in wal mart and we noticed a family had not 1 not 2 but 3 yes 3 shopping carts full of food and tolties i first surpised but i was taken back and heart melted when i over herd the mom saying she was excited that now a charity ( not named) would be able to help several families and their kids faced lir up like no other and the Dad couldnt be more proud and the one of the girls said this amazing when can we do it again
how amazing is that
i hope this story and notes of others help you decide to do something wonderful for someone else weather its giving to toys for tots, or salvation or having people over for dinner or volunteering somewhere spending time with someone who may not have any one or simply giving a hug to someone who needs
blessings to all