Sunday, May 27, 2012

This Blog is not about me but for someone who made this world a better place through the way she treated people, how she showed love and God to others, her work, her love of life and her fight with cancer which you can read about here she byfar one of the most amazing people i have ever met
this quote (at the bottom of entry) to a small degree describes her and her heart Sarah is her name and she lived  each day as it was her last  and she loved helping others and teaching in  an inncer city and her faith was amazing  and she was a humble heart i can say that all of us who have had the priviagle to know Sarah are the lucky ones  she was one who was looked up to and  respected and thats how she treated and she tought us to see beauty in the small things i say this while at hospital one  the janitors were going to get rid of a leaf that had a cocon on it for with a catpiter in it and she said no we have to save it for it will become a beautiful butterfly ( not exct story but close) and  know that was the kind of heart she had  she is one of kind and we need more like hers  Sarah Thank you for teaching us to see beauty in everything and teaching us to enjoy life no matter what you are missed daily 

I believe God does the most amazing things with the most humble of His people... just like a butterfly do not see their beauty.... some of His angels here on earth do not see their worth either... Know you are Blessed and He is using you for great things ~ Karen Kostyla ~♥~