Monday, January 25, 2010

dreams do come true

i know its been awhile since my last note/update to friends i havent seen so for i appoligize 2010 hasnt started off with the bang i had hoped it started off with my depression being at its worst in quite some time i having a really hard time dealing with that on top of that i lost a very good dear friend of mine which still really hasnt sunk in yet its slowly starting too plus unfornatly im still jobless but i have some hope to getting one soon... but im still so blessed to be with my friends and here in some ways i feel i belong although i will always be a texas girl at heart but so far the most exciting thing that will make 2010 different for me at least i will get see a concert i remeber begging the angels and stars to make happen which is seeing Reba McEntire and Geoge Strait live this my Billy Joel/ Elton John Concert you get the idea these two artist pretty much helped me through my younger days i mean these two and the beach boys music were the only thing my parents didnt fight about there music brought me closer to my kiki and helped deal with loss of friends and not knowing of my granddad (Don's father) my eating disorders, depression, parents sepration and divorce and of course the finding out, overcoming and dealings with my Dyslexia and Dysgraphia yes these two artist have been with me through so much so if you see me between now and feb 20,2010 and im super giddy this is why i have always dreament if these 2 would go on tour no matter where i am and no matter whats going on i would go see them live and well these two have made my dreams come true and i will be there now i know of think why on earth would this be a dream for a person im silly heres the thing when your not given much hope by people, life, and your envoriment you eaither believe this the best it can or hope for better things for me at such young age this was one of those better things and i really never sure id make it to college but i did and now hopefully ill have a job soon and prove the world wrong and my kiki wrong its just that i get to share these b/c of them and also if it hadnt been for their music i dont know what i would have or be doing there music is still giving me strength and hope when i really dont have it right now i hope if i see you you will be excited with me and for me and im most excited i will be going with a dear friend jenn although this brings some bitter sweet b/c the one friend who would have loved to come with me is now in heaven and im still crying for me and george and reba are helping with the loss of her as well so to Reba and George i thank you so much for this day and making one of my biggest dreams come true ps yes mom i can die a happy girl now if i need to

1 comment:

Sammie said...

Music is such a big part of my life too... I'm so excited for you!!!! When is the concert? Love you Marge!!!