Tuesday, June 14, 2011

remeber life goes on

first im sure your socked 2 blongs a week a part crazy but apparently this blong was meant to be written because the quote involved have been on my heart/mind all day
and well its one i found this quote awhile back and i just love it because it says basically what we all need to do with our lives its so very true and simple but

you have to take the good with the bad,smile when your sad, love what you got and remeber what you had... Always forgive but never forget, learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change, things go wrong just remeber life goes on

i know we all get in situation where just seems life beyond hard and we cant through but we will you have to feel the emtions your feeling but sometimes you just need to put them aside ( it dpends on whats going on in my personal oppion)
for instance today i had a rough day at work and just couldnt deal with certain people or things i just needed a me time out and as i was telling this to a friend they were telling me how another one of their friends was having an even harder time did i feel bad yes and this quote has been with me all day and today i have seen why and im so greatful its just a great reminder that their times when no matter how bad things are in your life someone has it worse always and that things will get better you just have to faith and believe tomorrow will be better and know life will go on and yes everyone changes you will i will you have and i have but its okay hopefully its changing for the better and sometimes you just need to vent and take time for you and just remeber take a deep breath and look for the good in each day
cause we only get one shot at this life....................
remeber no one is perfect you wont always get your way but you have to learn to love the life God has given you cause it can always be worse and it can always be better trust me i have hit rock bottom but i have learned things will get better and yes life will go on people will come and go just as seasons some longer than others but everyone is there to teach you something you must learn to grow and be shaped into the person your meant to be............
but in the end life will go on this is life

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