Friday, November 15, 2013

can paint with the colors of the wind

the last few days well even weeks  i have been trying to understand  human beings and i have to realize that no matter how hard i try  i will never understand humans and i will never understand the want to change people  because someone is different on the outside  
let me explain we are the same on the inside  we all have a brain, head, eyes, nose, ears, arms, hands, legs,  we all organs, ligaments, muscle tissue, muscle, heart, we all bleed  got it okay this how EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON THE PLANT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so here is shocking news as much as we are the same we are  DIFFERENT  I know this shocking and a bit much to handle to take a moment and breath……………………………………………
okay you ready for me to go on  are you sure if are than read on if not stop now 
 there a people who are white, black, latino, Native American, Asian, Middle Eastern ( sorry not know the proper name please forgive)   than there people who have physical disabilities  such as MD,MS, lots physical disabilities  may be have down syndrome  
than there people like me who have the "hidden disabilities" i.e. the ones you can't see but see the side effects such as Dyslexia(all forms of it) Dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, and so on than there are people who are strait, gay, transgender,   than there are people who are christian, atheist,  jewish,  Muslim faith which is great  there are people who deal with mental issues and illness  these differences are what make us who we are as people  I WILL NEVER EVER EVER UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE WANT TO FORCE OTHERS TO CHANGE BECAUSE  THEY DONT UNDERSTAND/DONT GET IT OR DONT WANT TO ACCEPT IT  that is there problem  and its very sad i have recently herd of people trying to cure autism and dyslexia  why would want to cure something that can't be cured its trying to cure someone of being gay or curing someone of being  black or curing someone of  having  green eyes instead of brown and when i get asked would i cure my dyslexia and dysgraphia  t people always seemed shocked when i say HELL NO  you see if it weren't for my learning disabilities i would NOT BE ME  I'm not saying they define me because they don't but  i  wouldn't have tired as hard  and worked as hard in school i wouldn't have fought for mainstreaming for myself and so many others and proving that because I'm dyslexic and dysgraphic I'm stupid and if you feel this please unfriend  i have examples of amazing people with dyslexia and dygraphia  any way i probably wouldn't have gone to college or be a special ed ta  and i wouldn't have love and compassion i have also i wouldn't be as kind and loving as i am  truth be told i would be selfish sob i would not stand with people and fight for what is right  as in people like me belong in regular ed classes so i might need a little help with work and i might learn differently whats wrong with that??? whats wrong if someone loves someone of same sex what if people of different races or faiths marry whats wrong with this?????? i love my friends who are gay and proud of some friends who are putting on a play in okc that they are taking a lot of ridiculous heat for and to them I'm sorry people are stupid just know y'all are strong and I'm proud of you and i love my friends who do and don't have disabilities  and love my friends who have mixed races  and or faith relationships  good for y'all  also instead of trying to change people to fit into what you think is normal why not trying to see how the other person sees life and the world who know you may learn something you never knew you never knew   are differences are what makes us and nature the colors of the wind can/will paint with them  
just remember life needs all colors in crayon box not  just your favorite colors those just make them better  

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