yesterday i was in the store and saw some pretty roses not as pretty as the ones you grew but still pretty in their own way ive been seeing alot of roses latly in stores and they always remind me of how much you loved your roses and how much pride you took in all 300 of them and how big and beautiful they were and how you loved to give them away or let brides come and pick them for their wedding day it was such a joy for you and i remeber always going over to your house and getting to smell all the different ones and how smiled when we asked you about them and you explained to me how pick them when their done growing and that you dont just give roses to just anyone but to very special people but you could never give me roses because i was too much like your best friend your bride your life i was named after her so i understood and still do but i watched you give her them and her doughter her friends but it never bothered me you never gave them to me i was okay with it but theses roses i saw yesterday also reminded me what the different colors mean and when to give and who to give them im very careful who i give them i fallow your advice every day and every day i see roses it makes me miss you and relize you really are gone
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