Saturday, December 15, 2012

what is it going to take

what is it going to take for us a human race to stop juding others by the color of skin, what disabilities a person what height weight gay strait bi or what ever and what their spitual beliefs 
 non of this should matter yet this how we judge others on daily basis  and there is no reason because honestly were all the same we all have one head, heart, 2 hands 2 arms 2 legs 2 feet over 200 bones in the body all have one brain yes some work differently some of may not have same mussle build some of may be taller, shorter, skinner  heavier  what ever until you look at person heart and get to know  youll never know their story  or what they have been through  or going through  you by judging someone because they are different is stupid and waste of time and pain ful to all  the point we are all created differently to be different to think differently to act and react to things differently so we can learn how to help others and how  to grow and learn if we were all meant to be the same and think the same and look the same than we would  insted why dont take to figure out why people think they do or believe they do embrace the difference because thats what makes us special and may just may be youll learn more about your self 
so again i ask what is it going to take for us to do this 

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