Friday, February 02, 2007

help somebody

help somebody Okay so im going on a rant right now but this needs to be said today i was talking with my roomie and she was saying that she thought it was cool that all the art and design and inter design majors were going to wear bandannas becuase a teacher was having brain surgery well in going to class and a meeting she relized out all the girls in the inter design dept she was the only girl who wore and the other girls gave exuses of i wanted to do my fair or i didnt have to match my out fit..... here the thing as Christian we are called to help our brothers and sisters and how hard is it really not to do your hair for one day or not comptley match i mean really is that hard being someone who has had done something crazy for just so i wouldnt be alone gave me more confidence than anything in the world we always say were willing to go the next mile and we talk the talk but in the end are willing to walk the walk i know people who clampain about helping other people if your gonna complain about it or not do it THAN DONT SAY YOU WILL geeze vandanze said it best "HELP SOMEBODY"