Monday, February 23, 2009

thanks maddie

A - Available: of course. as always. me too - Age: 26 - Animal: i want eaither daisy or buffy ie my puppies B - Birthday/Birthplace: 11-12-82 ( known as the day of hell for me) / ft. worth - Best Friends: Lauren, Teddie, kps, annajane,aubrie,angie,rosa - Best feeling in the world: knowing somebody loves you for who you are - Best weather: 60/70s blue skys or storms - Been on stage?: yep - Believe in yourself?: rarely - Believe in life on other planets:not really - Believe in miracles: deffently look at my life - Believe in Magic: not at all - Believe in God: yesssssss - Believe in Santa: in spirit of what he stands for - Believe in Ghosts/spirits: kinda more like angels :) C - Car: i want eaither toyota highlander or honda crv but i guess my jeep grand cheeroke will have to do for now :) - Color: purple,blue, green - Cried in school: yep. and no one of my friends ever knew - Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate sometimes swirl - Chinese/Mexican: i♥mexican food. - Cake or pie: neither. not cake/pie fan D - Day or Night: what's one without the other? i like my days for certain things and my nights for others - Danced: tons of times - Dance in the rain: yeah - Do the splits: pep squad enough said ( yes we had to learn em) E - Eyes: blue? - Everyone has: the right to be who they are and not be judged - Ever failed a class?: yep a couple actually F - First crush: not saying :) - Full name: margaret anne canaday - First thoughts waking up: crap im running late i feel like crap G - Greatest Fear: not making a difference in the world - Giver or taker: giver - Gum: not a gum chewer but i guess tradient H - Hair Color: light brown with blode/auburn heighlights - Height: 5'5"". - Happy: most of the time depression sucks sometimes - How do you want to die?: painlessly and fast as possible - Health freak?: not really - Hate: ppl putting others down /being jerks for no reason I - Ice Cream: rocky road, parlines n cream, coffe falvored ( very few) - Instrument: ive attempted the fallowing- voice, vilon, recorder, zilophone, piano, gaitar J - Jewelry: 3rings. necklace, 2 bracelettes, watch - Job: now sped ta future who knows K - Kids: love 'em. not sure i want em - Keep a journal?: not anymore L - Letter: dont have favorite - Laughed so hard you cried: love wen i do it - Love at first sight: dont believe in it M - Milk flavor: cant drink it - Movie: romantic comdy, disney - Mooned anyone: haha yeah - Motion sickness: occossonally - McD’s or BK: rarely McDs ( useually for hi - c orange :) ) N - Number of Siblings: 1 plus 2 sisters in laws - Number of Piercings: 2 in ears - Number: clueless O - Overused Phrases: "lol", "thats what she said" "whatever" - One wish: friends/fam to be happy P - Place you’d like to live: Europe - Pepsi/Coke: i like both but only one please Q - Questionnaires:good way to waste time R - Reason to cry: loneliness, desperation, sadness, grief, hurt, good ones maddie i added one - Radio Station: 99.5 - Roll your tongue in a circle?: nope S - Song: right now white hourse- taylor swift, im not that girl- wicked sound track - Shoe size: 61/2-8 1/2 - Skipped school: yeah - Slept outside: camping is so much fun. i agree - Sports: previous --- took part in swimming - watch football, basketball, soccer, baseball/softball - Seen a dead body?: too many times :( - Smoked?:nope - Swear?: guilty - Shower daily?: every other day skin cant handle daily - Sing well?: hahaha your funny - Stuffed Animals: buck, pinky,kevy,cj - Single/Group dates: mainly single. groups have their places. once agian i agree - Strawberries/Blueberries: i like both :) T - Time for bed: supposedly ummm now dont have one - TV: news, what not to wear, sports,say yes to the dress - Touch your tongue to your nose?: haha never been able to V - Vegetable you hate: brocolie/ cooked carrotes/ - Vegetable you love: okra W - Weakness: i am really independent. and im extermally hard on myself - When you grow up: i thoguht i knew now im clueless - Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Lauren i guess none of my friends really act liek me which is a good thing - Who makes you laugh the most: my kids i guess - Worst feeling: not only being but knowing that you are alone. and no bothers to find out how your really feeling - Wanted to be a model?: no i always knew i was too ugly/fat/stupid for that - Where do we go when we die: eaither heaven or hell X - X-Rays:lets see, head,wrist, ankesl (both),lungs - X-Files: havent seen in awhile Y -Year it is now: 2009. Z - Zoo animals: are fun to see - Zodiac sign: scorpio LAST PERSON WHO 1. Slept in a bed beside you?: techanlly jenn 2. Last person to see you cry?: ummmmm i dont know ive been crying alone alot 3. Went to the movies with you?: laura 4. You went shopping with?: umm charlotte i think 5. You went to dinner with?: jenn,laura 6. You talked to on the phone?: dj 7. Made you laugh?: jenn /dj