Tuesday, April 05, 2011

there is a reason for other faiths

I recently read on a church sign that " God dosent believe in athiest therefore athiest dont exist" which made me really sad because i have a few friends who are and i see God working in and through them more than i do my christian friends which has been amazing i love them because they challange me on what i believe and why and i love it and they also help see this world in other ways which i love any more and i beieve as christains we get so worked up in the idea that God only works through those who are christian and well im sorry to tell that not how he rolls and im beoyond greatful for that he works with people whom he choose and in the way he wants and im beyond greatful he does it be a really sad place if only christians were used by God because then we wouldnt have the bible at all... because paul, mathew were not christians when GOd started using them and i think we also forget that jesus was with the people who were conisder least group of people and i feel alot of christians but people of faiths in the group of lessers but whats funny i have recently noitced alot of my "christian friends" havent been there for me as my friends who arent hmmmmm makes you wonder what it really means to be a christain and better yet a friend...
so for these reasons im beyond God uses who wants how he wants in ways to make our lives better and im beyond thankful for these friends who arent christians and challanging me in my faith and they also helped have good imgaines of God and yet my christians friends couldnt do this for me not that my other friends meant to
it just kinda happend in target but i believe that God allowed for other Religons for 2 reasons 1, not everyone is meant for the christian walk and 2 for those of us on it or any different religon to be challaged by those who dont believe or have a different faith but to also help us grow and see God working looking beyond skin deep or even juding someone for what they believe even if its different from yours
i want to say i do have a few great group of christian friends who help me in my walk as well but i have recently found alot of them turn out to not be so
God I thank you for many different ways you show your self to me
and challange me and all the faiths of this world