Wednesday, December 10, 2008

i got tagged by aub

THANKS AUB  8 Things About Me 8 Tv Shows I Watch: 1. Dancing with the stars 2. Home Extreme Make Over 3. Clean House 4. Say Yes to the Dress ( guilty pleasure) 5. Project Runway 6. the local news  7. Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Making the team ( i dont know why eaither)  8.  8 Favorite Resaurants 1. La Fonda ( SA)  2. FudRockers  (SA) 3. Foliaros ( SA) 4. Panera Bread 5. Flat Tire (love me some fried pickles) 6. Chilis 7. Taco Cabana 8. EZS (SA) 8 Things That Happened Today (last 24 hours): 1. woke up  2. went to work  3. car got totaled :(  4. froze  5. drove home while talking to 4 different people with out hanging up the phone  6. surrived torandos and  wintery mix  7. did my hair  8. started car shoping  8 Things I Look Forward To: 1. SEEING MY FRIENDS IN OKC IN LESS THAN 3 WEEKS 2. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AND PRESENTS TO FRIENDS AND FAM  3. GETTING TO BE BETTER AT WORK  4. THE BREAK COMING UP  5. HELPING OTHERS  6. New Year's: party, AND STARTING 09 RIHGT  7. HAVING ALL MY NEW BEDDING ON MY BED  8. SEEING KATIE AND SAMMIE WHEN THEY COME HOME  8 Things I Wish For: 1. FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO BE HEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL  2. TO BE THE BEST AIDE  I CAN BE  3. prayers THAT I DO GODS WILL  4. MORE TIME WITH FRIENDS  5. TO   HAVE FRIENDS IN MCKINNEY  6. TO BE A BETTER FRIEND AND GIVER OF MY SELF  7. TRAVEL  8. FALLOW MY HEART  I tag anyone who hasn't done it, or wants to be tagged again. I know some of you do...

Saturday, December 06, 2008


I find myself still not seeing the point in church even after everything I have visted a few here and a few in edmond and sa and everything I still feel like Im not growing or learning anything and I feel like Im growing more in my talks with my friends and my personal prayer time and peprsonal bible studies than i do from any church sermon being preached It also doesnt help the I know too well the politics facing ALL CHURCHES and because of those Politics I feel that going to a church building on sunday morning than talking, reading and praying with my friends and Gods tells us that where two or more grathered he is there with us and I feel like when I do that, that respents what Church should be and I tend to feel closer to God and learn more about him than I do with any thing done in the Church  so whats the imporance of church when it comes down to it all i see is the politics and it echos out to outsiders more than people will ever admit and I feel that when i do stuff with my friends is more a vaule to my personal walk and in talking with a few of my closest friends they all actually see where im comming from and agree and i know the church is made of sinners and im no different and i understand that it also made of people with different points of views and not seeing eye to eye on everything but also see churches taking advantage of people when theyre suppose to be helping them  i think my kiki had it right when she meet with her pastor weekly and read her bible although big crowds scared her for me i dont see the point in church so i will countie my personal studies and talking with friends because church is just pointless in my eyes and heart