Tuesday, March 10, 2009

dancing in the rain!!!!!!!

so today i realized the last note i actually wrote that was worth anything or had anything worth reading was 2 months excatly to todays date weird i know but thats not really the imporant thing work has been nuts and and i legally cant blog about it so if you email,call or message me i can  cause its not public that way... any way the reason for this blog is God reminding me to be child like and doing something for myself yes i just said doing something for ME!!!!!!!!! awhile i promised myself the next time we had a good down poor no matter what ( expect for being at work) i was going to go out in the rain and dance like im a little kid and this is always a favorite of mine i tend to do it alot  its one of those little things in life you can never get enough of like star gazing for me it constant reminder of my God and how FREAKING AMAZING HE IS!!!!!!!!!!! so today i got home went to the gym here at my apt complax and litterally  the second i walked out down came all of this rain  i got very giddy no lie i worse than any teenage girl in love with the jo bros  well i danced and walked all the way back to my apt and came right out on my balochonay where i sit now waiting for more rain and people were thinking im aboustly insaine  and i thought to myself have we in our world today gotten to the point to where its wrong or silly to enjoy such simple pleasures as dancing in the rain or star gazing or strom watching

if thats the case I DONT WANT TO STAY IN THIS WORLD FOR MUCH LONGER  and as i danced in the rain without a care in world i truly felt Gods presance and i also felt like a little kid 

I hope i never forget to stop being child like  because if i do i dont desvreto live its one of Gods GREATEST gift to us to be like the children and to have a heart like theirs  and to me its supper ubber sad when people forget that children are our greatest teachers............