Wednesday, May 29, 2013

i have no words really

Im not sure there is a good way to write there are no words to really describle may 19 and 20 th for those who dont live in Ok 
Last Sunday an E F Tornado hit the small city of shawnee, ok and the small town of Carinee Ok  and on Monday  an EF 5  Tornado hit the town of moore Ok   i watch the tornado on Monday grow and get bigger and rip the town apart in seconds  to give you an idea  the may 1999 torando hit and the one on may 20 hit the same town, area, same size but the one that hit may 20  was on the ground as an EF for 40 mins  it spun out as EF 3 and grew to an EF4 than EF5 where it was on the ground for 40 mins  and i couldnt believe it i felt i twas watching the movie twister but no it was real life  and im still shocked by this and my heart still hurts for all who were loss and those injured  and yet i saw people come togather to look for life people, animals, anything that proved life was still there and i have seen torndos do damage before  on tv and  see what they can do again on tv and in movies but friday my best friend i went to norman ok  and you have to drive through moore to  get to norman and i saw for first hand  what a torndo can do i saw gardarlle wraped like bacon around the top of trees, i saw where homes once stood  now nothing ive seen the one house gone  nothing left and another untouched and on the other side of where a a house stood one  got a little damage  and as i saw cars  that had been rolled into ballas and un done just like foil  my heart just broke i was just speechless my best friend i looked at each other in disbeilf at what we saw  and all i wanted to do was pick up the people of moore and hug them and tell them that some how it will be okay  and as we drove back through i saw people digging for anything to hold on to from pictures to  stuffed animals to anything they could find  and it got me thinking of how short life is and how pericous it is and how much i love my friends and family and how greatful i am for them but every day but my heart breaks for the people of oklahoma but i also have seen them come togather too and just helping strangers  
so to all the okies out there hugs to you 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thursday may 9,2013

yesterday was one of those day i know when i look back on it and i will smile and just remeber for the love the smile and just how having the unexpacted happen be just the most wounderful thing(s) ever
espically when show graduateed for it to  the universe or god or gods or what ever  i got off work and had alot to do but i decided to go home and rest my akel for bit before going to dinner with one of friends sammie and im sooo glad i did because as i was outside waiting for sammie to come get me and it wasnt sammie who pulled up i had to do a triple look  to see that it was sammies twin and my other amazing sister katie who came into town and i wasnt sure when i was going to see her i was beyond giddy to see her and hug her and than we went to get sammie and went for our favorite mexican food and it was amazing and i relize im writting this 2 weeks later but i still get smile at the night like this its like the univerise knew i needed this and i loved it